Philosophy on Feb 5 2024

Jayandra Soni
Jayandra Soni retired in May 2012 from the Department of Indology and Tibetology, University of Marburg, Germany, where he taught Indian languages (Sanskrit, Hindi and Gujarati) and Indian philosophy from 1991–2012. Born and brought up in South Africa where he did his BA in 1972 (University of Durban, Westville), he studied further at the Banaras Hindu University, India (PhD 1978) and the McMaster University, Canada, for a second Phd (1987). He now lives in Innsbruck, Austria, continuing his own studies and teaching at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, as a part-time lecturer. See his website for further details and publications:
Jinesh Sheth
Jinesh Sheth is completing his PhD on the Jaina theory of anekāntavāda (non-one-sidedness) from the University of Mumbai, India. He will be joining University of Birmingham as a post-doctoral fellow in Jain Studies. He has a bachelor's degree in Sanskrit which was followed by a master’s in philosophy. Apart from anekāntavāda, he is primarily interested in engaging with a diverse set of problems of philosophy from a Jaina perspective.
Małgorzata Glinicka
I have been awarded with MA degrees in three fields: Classical Philology, Philosophy and Indology at the Warsaw University. I obtained a doctoral degree in medieval Cypriot literature (‘Greeks, Latins and Muslims in Lusignan Cyprus. The Depiction of Interdenominational Relations in the Chronicle of Leontios Makhairas’, 2019). Currently I am working on my PhD research in Jainology (‘Aspects of Māṇikyanandin’s and Anantavīrya’s linguistic thought and philosophy of language. Critical edition of the Sanskrit treatises Parīkṣâmukha and Parīkṣâmukha-laghu-vṛtti alongside the translation and analysis of the third and fourth chapters’). Since year 2020 I have been employed at the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences. My main interests include: Indian philosophy of language, Jaina philosophy, philosophy of interreligious dialogue, Greek and Byzantine philosophy.